SICP - Software Innovation Campus Paderborn

The SICP - Software Innovation Campus Paderborn is an interdisciplinary research and innovation campus. The digital solutions of the future are developed here in close cooperation between business and science.

More than 30 member companies and over 30 professors from Paderborn University contribute their expertise and visions. The SICP unites the different worlds and ensures perfect matches when putting together project teams. We combine our expertise in the fields of AI, high-performance computing, IoT, digital security and software engineering to break new ground and develop intelligent solutions for innovative fields such as smart energy, advanced computing and seamless mobility.

In addition to the technological focus, we always address cross-cutting issues such as technology acceptance and human-machine interaction. Because we are convinced that only the intelligent combination of established technologies creates innovation!

„What makes the SICP special is our great team and the explicit focus of all our activities on cooperation between science, business and society in order to produce future-oriented and sustainable software- and data-driven innovations that generate high benefits.”

Prof. Dr. Stefan Sauer,
Managing Director of the SICP

„Science can only shape a responsible digital future in cooperation with other social stakeholders. At the SICP, we conduct cutting-edge research that makes a difference: multidisciplinary, pioneering and with people at the center.”

Prof. Dr. Daniel Beverungen,
Chairman of the SI-Lab at the SICP

„Cooperation and innovation are indispensable in the modern working world, but often end at company boundaries. At the SICP, research and application meet at eye level in a lively network in which we exchange knowledge in a spirit of trust and develop together.”

Dr. Jan Hendrik Hausmann,
Managing Director S&N CQM GmbH

News from the SICP

Equipping SMEs against cybercrime: focus on NIS-2-compliant solutions

In the “KMU.kompetent.sicher.” project, companies are supported with training content that complies with the guidelines.

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Understanding the potential of intelligent waste heat utilization - DC2HEAT cooperates with aixit Gm

The cooperation with a data center operator within the framework of DC2HEAT is generating important findings that are of great significance for both research and practice.

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Career start into a digital future

For the past three years, Paderborn University's Digital Talents Program (DTP) has been supporting particularly committed students who are interested in the digitalization of the economy and society beyond their studies and who later aspire to a specialist or management career.

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Continued growth at SICP - Software Innovation Campus Paderborn

After paiqo GmbH, mindsquare AG and Haver & Boecker OHG became members of the SICP - Software Innovation Campus Paderborn in recent months, one of the leading providers of digital infrastructures in Europe, aixit GmbH, has now joined the SICP.

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Two-day symposium on the future of mobility in rural areas in the Zukunftsmeile 2

Innovative and networked solutions for the future of mobility in rural areas were the focus of the symposium organized by the transformation hub DiSerHub and Neue Mobilität Paderborn e.V. (NeMo).

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SHAPE project team discusses the next project steps at the meeting in Hamburg

At the end of October, the SHAPE project team met in Hamburg to discuss new research findings and the next steps in the SHAPE project.

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SICP magazine "up­date

The "update" magazine is aimed at everyone who wants to know what is happening at the SICP - members and those who would like to become members, current and potential partners, i.e.: member companies and their employees, professors, employees and students of the SI-Lab and all interested parties in society, politics, companies, universities and research institutions. Subscribe to our SICP magazine here free of charge.

Projects (selection)

5G-Lernorte OWL

Duration: 2022 - 2025 Funded by: MWIKE NRW

More about the project

DatenraumKultur: Use Case 1 - Kulturplattformen - Datenraum Kultur

Duration: 2022 - 2025 Funded by: BKM

More about the project

Climate bOWL: Climate neutral Business in Ostwestfalen-Lippe

Duration: 2022 - 2025 Funded by: MWIKE NRW

More about the project

DARE: Trainings-, Validierungs- und Benchmarkwerkzeuge zur Entwicklung datengetriebener Betriebs- und Regelungsverfahren für intelligente, lokale Energiesysteme

Duration: 2021 - 2023 Funded by: BMBF

More about the project

NeMo.bil – System kooperierender Fahrzeuge für einen individualisierten Öffentlichen Verkehr

Duration: 2023 - 2026 Funded by: BMWK

More about the project

DC2HEAT - Data Centre HEat Recovery with AI-Technologies

Duration: 2023 - 2026 Funded by: BMUV

More about the project

Our areas of ex­pert­ise

Ar­ti­fi­cial In­tel­li­gence

Di­git­al In­fra­struc­ture

Di­git­al Se­cur­ity

Hu­man-centred di­git­al­ity

Soft­ware and Ser­vice Sys­tem En­gin­eer­ing

Our member companies

Premium membership is suitable for companies that want to further develop their competitive advantage and transformation goals at the highest level and position themselves as digital innovation leaders.

Plus membership is suitable for companies that want to intensify their innovation and transformation activities by benefiting from in-depth collaboration, targeted training and extended networking opportunities with leading industry players and talented students.

Basic membership is suitable for companies that want to strengthen their competitive edge by gaining access to the SICP as a high-calibre and powerful innovation ecosystem.

Our areas of in­nov­a­tion

Ad­vanced Com­put­ing

Di­git­al Sov­er­eignty

Em­powered Life & Work

Seam­less mo­bil­ity

Smart En­ergy

Sus­tain­able Di­git­al Eco­sys­tems

SICP Academy

The SICP Academy programmes are aimed at subject areas and managers (SICP Academy for Professionals) and students (SICP Academy for Students). Further information for the respective target groups can be found on the corresponding subpages.

Cur­rent events

Pader­born IT Se­cur­ity Day

The Paderborn IT Security Day is an annual two-day event that offers an interested specialist audience from universities and industry the opportunity to find out about current IT security topics and exchange experiences.

SICP Sym­posi­um 2024

Tuesday, 24 September 2024, 1:30pm-6:00pm
Zukunftsmeile 2 (ZM2), 33102 Paderborn

Information on the programme will follow shortly.