TEAM is a software company based in Paderborn's Schloß Neuhaus district. As a long-standing Oracle partner, TEAM GmbH specialises in modern IT solutions and technology-related services. With ProStore® - Warehouse Management and Intralogistics, TEAM is one of the leading software providers for innovative solutions in intralogistics. ProStore® enables customers to implement news trends such as digitalisation and Logistics 4.0 in the best possible way. In the Oracle business, TEAM provides support with specialised employees on topics such as licensing, consulting, individual software development, migration and training. As a medium-sized company with 90 employees, TEAM has been supporting its customers reliably, competently and with customised IT solutions since 1982. Renowned companies from industry, trade and services are among its long-standing, satisfied customers.
Hermann-Löns-Straße 88
33104 Paderborn
Phone: +49 5254 8008-0