ScMI stands for Scenario Management International. The public limited company has been specialising in future design and strategic corporate management since 1998. As specialists in Scenario Management™, they support companies and organisations in the development of future knowledge, the targeted development of scenarios and the derivation of visionary strategies and business models, as well as in innovation and change management.
A key feature of Scenario Management™ is its consistent application orientation. ScMI AG therefore supports companies and organisations not only in the development of future scenarios, but also in their application as part of the creation of visionary strategies, the search for innovations in new markets, products and business models as well as in implementation, transformation and change processes as part of future-driven change.
The central concern and entrepreneurial mission of ScMI AG is to anchor the basic ideas of Scenario Management™ - future-oriented, networked and strategic thinking - in companies and organisations. In addition to the development and application of scenarios, this also includes the provision of target-oriented software solutions, the preparation of future knowledge in studies and a comprehensive training programme as part of our ScMI Academy.
Scenario Management™ is our framework concept on which our approaches to scenario and strategy development as well as innovation and change management are based. It is embedded in an overarching understanding of future management. Learn more about the methods we develop and use here. Since its foundation, ScMI AG has been organised on a cross-industry basis. This enables us to support customer partners in a wide range of industries and topics. In recent years, we have worked with numerous well-known companies and organisations. We are pleased that many of our partners have agreed to be named as references.
Scenario Management International AG
Klingenderstr. 10-14
33100 Paderborn
+49 (0)5251 150 570