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Welchen Beitrag kann die Forschung für ein unzensiertes Internet leisten? Ein Gespräch mit dem Informatiker Felix Lange über seine Doktorarbeit.

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Um den Austausch zwischen Wissenschaft und Wirtschaft beim zukunftsweisenden Thema „Datenräume“ zu fördern, lädt der SICP – Software Innovation Campus Paderborn am Dienstag, 24. September, zum diesjährigen SICP Symposium in die Paderborner Zukunftsmeile 2 ein. Bei der Veranstaltung dreht sich alles um die Frage, wie sich eine wettbewerbsfähige Datenökonomie entwickeln lässt, die die digitale Souveränität in Deutschland und Europa wahrt. Die…

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Der Kompetenzbereich „Digital Security“ des SICP – Software Innovation Campus Paderborn lädt am Dienstag und Mittwoch, 3. und 4. September, zum 18. „Paderborner Tag der IT-Sicherheit“ ein. Dabei beleuchten zahlreiche Expert*innen in Vorträgen und Workshops aktuelle Themen und Fragen der IT-Sicherheit aus wissenschaftlicher und wirtschaftlicher Perspektive – zum Beispiel „Online-Identity- und Access-Management“, „Cybersecurity Awareness“ oder…

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Project partners at the first milestone meeting at Zukunftsmeile 2 in Paderborn.

The subject of the work to date has been the determination of requirements with regard to technical and data-related requirements in order to optimize and control energy requirements through the systematic use and optimization of excess heat and heat requirements in industrial production processes.

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Photo (Daniel Li): Prof Dr Simon Thanh-Nam Trang.

Technology plays an important role in the spread of conspiracy theories and radical opinions. However, a new study by researchers from the Universities of Paderborn and Göttingen shows that search engines and apps are increasingly becoming the focus of narratives themselves, providing empirical data on the extent, causes and consequences. The results have now been published in the journal "Information Systems Research".

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Photo (Ministry for Climate Protection, Energy Security and Economic Efficiency NRW): Minister for Economic Affairs and Climate Protection Mona Neubaur (centre) handed over the grant notification to the project consortium: (from left) Jannik Schlueer (Stadtwerk Verl), Robin Kreipe (Westfalen Weser Netz GmbH), Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jens Haubrock (Bielefeld University of Applied Sciences), Carolin Pieper (Energie Impuls OWL e.V.), Dr. Christoph Weskamp (Paderborn University) and Frank Höwelhasse (Stadtwerk Verl).

Living and working in a way that conserves resources, reduces greenhouse gases and minimizes environmental pollution: Renewable energies make an important contribution in the fight against climate change. Together with six project partners, the scientists at Paderborn University are developing solutions for the climate-friendly operation of neighborhoods, incorporating technical, social, ecological and economic aspects into their investigations.

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Specify a destination via an app, be picked up at home a short time later and be taken to your destination in an autonomous vehicle: What sounds like a utopian vision of local public transport for most people in rural areas is the goal of the “NeMo.bil” project.

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Recognize and avoid weak points directly in the development process: This is what the KoTeBi test suite is designed to do. Developers can use the tool to ensure that the security implementation they are using is actually secure. The project has reached an important milestone: the development of the core functionalities has been completed and a first version has been published. We are now looking for interested companies who would like to test our…

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Imagine a city in which cars drive like perfectly coordinated bees in a swarm. Efficient, safe and with low emissions. The concept of platooning, originally developed for highways, could significantly relieve urban traffic. However, it only works if the vehicles communicate reliably with each other. In his dissertation, Dr. Tobias Hardes researched an innovative strategy that enables the smooth exchange of information.

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Dr. Alexander Fink spoke about future strategies for companies at the Paderborn IT reception.

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18th IT Security Day - Image source: iStock/BlackJack3D
18th IT Security Day - Image source: iStock/BlackJack3D

On Tuesday, September 3 and Wednesday, September 4, the SICP - Software Innovation Campus Paderborn invites you to the 18th Paderborn IT Security Day at Zukunftsmeile 2. Experts are invited to give a presentation or hold a workshop on a current/innovative topic in the field of IT security.

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Prof Burkhard Hehenkamp congratulates Dr Yvonne Groening on her induction into the Hall of Fame.
Photo (Paderborn University): Prof. Dr Burkhard Hehenkamp, Dean of the Faculty of Business Administration and Economics, congratulates Dr Yvonne Groening on her extraordinary achievements and on being inducted into the Hall of Fame.

Dr. Yvonne Groening, Managing Partner of myconsult GmbH and Managing Director of myndsoft GmbH, was inducted into the Hall of Fame of the Faculty of Business Administration and Economics as a successful founder and entrepreneur.

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Digital and networked systems for ecologically sustainable and future-proof mobility solutions in the transport sector - at Hannover Messe 2024 from April 22 to 26, researchers from Paderborn University will be presenting technologies and concepts for sustainable developments that contribute to improving processes in passenger transport and logistics.

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Symbolic image (pixabay, Tama66)

Increasing sustainability requirements and rising energy costs are prompting companies to reduce CO2 emissions from process heat. The use of waste heat through heat recovery and heat pumps offers untapped potential for reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

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The students of the Management Capstone Course after a successful final presentation at Weidmüller in Detmold.

In the course of the mobility transition, e-mobility is becoming increasingly important in order to achieve sustainability targets in the transport sector. Funding programs are intended to create incentives for drivers to switch to e-mobility. In addition to support for the purchase of electric vehicles, this also includes funding for charging stations. This offers great potential for companies in the e-mobility sector.

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